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Enable Ghost Mode in Snapchat


If you would go back in time to 1952 and tell people how much information we are sharing with another in our present time 2020, they may be thinking we are stalking each other.

The good citizens of 1952 will probably think why we care so much about sharing so much info about ourselves.

I can imagine that today there are still people who wonder: why do you share so much private information about yourself and your life?

Why would I care?

Why would you think that I care?

Why would you care?

The reality is that people love to show that they are interesting, that they matter.

Sometimes the information can be useful in certain situations of course.

What about the Snapchat Ghost Mode option?

You have probably heard of Snap Map when you use Snapchat.

On Snap Map you can see where all your friends are, you can see their locations.

Not only can you see their location, but they can also see yours too.

Unless you enable Ghost Mode!

When you enable this option, you can choose who is allowed to see your location.

You can choose the option Only Me, meaning your location won’t be visible to anyone else on the map.

You can choose a duration of 3 hours, 24 hours and Until Turned Off.

Or you can choose specific friends to share your location with.

The friends you select aren’t notified when you choose them

Or you can choose to share your location with all of your friends, including friends you add in the future.

You find Ghost Mode by tapping the gear button in the top-right corner of the Map screen.

Revealing your location doesn’t need to be a problem and can be functional actually, but…does everyone really have to know where you are all the time?

How do you really feel about that?

You may want to start to be at least selective with who can see your location.

Let’s not make a habit of handing over our privacy so easily just because we can.