birthday facebook social media

Don’t Let Facebook but Your iPhone Remind You of Birthdays


One of the reasons why I was opening Facebook every day was because I wanted to check if there is a birthday I should know about.

With more than 400+ people I had befriended, I simply couldn’t remember all their birthdays.

Not that I ever knew all birthdays of my 400 “friends”.

Nor did I find every single birthday super important.

But even when it was the birthday of someone I consider a close friend, I still wanted Facebook to remind me and notify me.

Once I started to ask myself: why am I opening Facebook every single day, only one answer came up every single time, and that was birthdays.

That’s it.

Aside from that, there was nothing compelling for me to do or see on Facebook.

If you’re feeling the same, then move this responsibility from Facebook to your device.

You’re using your smartphone anyway, so allow it to show you whose birthday it is today.

Add the birthday of every contact person you care about on your iPhone, followed by adding the calendar widget in the Today View.

Now you just have to check the Today View to see if you should wish someone a happy birthday today.

After you’ve set this up, you can delete Facebook safely.

Alright, if you use Facebook for other (valid) reasons, at least move it to a distant screen.

If you have downloaded IOS 14 already, then remove it from the home screen so it is only accessible via the App Library.

Ah and before I forget, please do remember birthdays of the people who are very close to you.

Don’t outsource your brain so easily, don’t get lazy in remembering and fix important information in that intelligent complex organ in your head.